Halal Investing at your Fingertips
- Invest in fully optimized managed portfolios
- Check if current investments align with your values
- Use financial tools to play out various scenarios
- Calculate your Zakat
You have goals in life. Whether it is to save for a new home, or for a dream vacation, Aghaz will get you on a path to accomplishing your goals.
Ask the user to input several factors that affect the financial health score
Compare the user's performance with all users on the platform.
Provide specific tips and recommendations on how the user can improve
We utilize the latest technology - React Native, AWS Amplify & RDS, and Node.js to build the app
Start investing and saving money without compromise
We are a technology-first company that utilizes bank-level security to protect your information.
You fund your goals. Aghaz builds a fully diversified, optimized portfolio for you
We check where you are in your financial journey to learn what is most important to you
Get your questions addressed by calling us at 425-202-6196 or emailing info@aghazinvest.com
- Invest in fully optimized managed portfolios
- Check if current investments align with your values
- Use financial tools to play out various scenarios
- Calculate your Zakat
Software Engineer
PM & UX Designer
UI/UX Designer
Software Engineer
Aghaz is a different kind of investment advisor. We do not exist for the sake of technology; nor to provide yet another mechanism, automated or otherwise, for customers to invest for their retirement; nor to optimize our portfolios to beat the market no matter what. Simply put, we are in the business to enable people to save for their goals according to their beliefs.
You can contact us by calling us directly at 425-202-6196 or email us at info@aghazinvest.com
We believe that we all have values and beliefs that we live our lives by, causes that are important to us. We are providing a mechanism for the investors with values who would like to save for their goals in alignment with their values. Whatever those values are. Those could be Environmental, Social or Governance related; religion or faith based. Or something else.
Yes, your data will remain encrypted and secure with us. We meet or exceed all industry standards.